Exactly, modifications can be a slippery slope of issues at times as you discover additional modifications are required to fix the compromises of the first modifications, which lead to more and so on, etc... The more money you invest into a project can make you more reluctant to abandon previous modifications which creates a type of tunnel vision or vicious cycle until one day out of frustration you realize it has all been a bit of a let down.Thanks, Completely understand, best example was every one racing out put new taller springs on the truck to put bigger tire on before the rest it was fully test and hashed changes need to make it work correctly long term.
Sure, I’m painting an extreme scenario above just as an example, but as most folks know, doing your homework and having a good understanding of the pros & cons you can typically avoid most of the hassle. That’s why I think this forum is so important for Grenadier owners as you can learn not only what you “can do” but equally, if not more importantly, what “not” to do at times.