Just a quick update on my situation. I was contacted by ineos on 13/12 who are to orange vehicle to be taken back for checking, radio silence since.
28/12 needed to use diff locks and low gear (I have new transfer box and yes the "collar pin" is still in place)
What an adventure! Center diff lock selection was easy, low gear was a nightmare even when the instruments said it was in low, still in neutral, anyway it eventually went in with help from my passenger!
Next up rear the front lockers. Well all the lights came on to say the were engaged but we were both sure they were not! reverse procedure and they all went out.
After obstacles it would not come out of low gear no matter what we did, including engine off and on, forward & back etc, etc. Drove it back off road to barns and it took me with two hands, my mate in back seat pushing for all he was worth to get it out of low gear, high gear no problems. One wag pointed out that not only is the Grenadier built like a tank, it also takes three men to drive it
Yes we followed instructions to letter.
I must be mad, I still love it to bits, just got a Friday afternoon car!