Still no email for me.
You have to be proactive otherwise you get lost. It was the same with me. So
call your agent !
If the agent is clueless, change to a different one.
I did this (call, not change) today because I was tired of promises from customer support. They may be eager and take pains to do their best,
but what good is that if even after weeks nothing comes out of it?
That's why I called Mr. Nicolas from
Krah & Enders today and asked him to take a look at my configuration.
As feared, it was still the old color, Sterling Silver.
A few clicks, and the issue was settled.
And voilà, ten minutes later I was able to download the correct PDF on the Ineos page for my order. Cover photograph now Donny Grey, text inside as well.
Besides that, he told me my estimated build slot (January 2023) and the probable delivery date (build + six weeks) which indeed looks very much like what customer support told me as well: February or March.
At the latest now I know what an agent is worth.
Thank you Krah & Enders.