Hello Dok.Same issue: my battery could lose up to 10% overnight.... Frequently getting under 50% with warning messages.
Was not able to have it at more than 70% even after a 6 hours trip.
I think it is linked to the intial 2 months on the dealer parking before delivery
Had to change it and it's better but still wondering why I still have random drains
Dealer has planned to make measurements
I had almost identical issues with my battery and it was swapped for another good battery. The problems "appeared" to improve for a while. This did not actually cure the problem. I agree that some people perhaps do have bad batteries from prolonged discharge periods during pre sales storage. I see from your other posts you also had the expansion bottle leak that I also had along with several of the other faults that we have both had and some that you did not have. My agent found damage to 2 wiring looms/connectors (from the leaking coolant) under the expansion bottle leak. It has hoped that this was the cause of the battery issues. New parts were ordered and various tests have been carried out without showing or proving or confirming any fault. This is my 4th week without my only business vehicle. I am keen to know what if anything is found about your battery/charging/discharging/monitoring problems as they appear to be identical to my problems. I see that you have taken yours to be looked at. Regards