I was an audiophile lunatic as a young man.
Over the years, new devices came onto the market, new audio processing was invented and all that 5.1, 7.x stuff and I don't know what else started to annoy me, there was just no end to it.
Today I am very happy with my Sony STR-V 555 ES and an excellent pair of monitor loudspeakers - and that's it. I don't let the manufacturers push me around anymore, it's enough. And if you want to enjoy the smartness of audio processing, which sense does it make to have (e.g.) a sophisticated surround system which restricts you freedom to move around to less than half a square meter?
I tell you, cooking a good pasta sauce in the kitchen with a glass of white wine while listening to “Die Meere” by Brahms,
sung by Gruberova/Kararova, is an experience for all the senses, where the perfection of the rendition and the ideal surround sound spot simply doesn't matter.
And that's how I see it when driving a car: the whole thing counts.
The absolute best audio experience is still a live concert, whether classical, jazz or rock. You should treat yourself to that every now and then. It's the most perfect setup and even at a few hundred Euros for a ticket it's still less expensive than the newest and so called "best solution".
I don't need that level in the car and there will always be a way to improve the equipment - you can literally invest thousands of dollars into it and there will never be an optimal solution - because it can always be improved. A source of never ending frustration.
My wealth of experience from earlier years as an audiophile helps me a lot to compensate for playback deficiencies: My brain simply “remembers” how it should sound and automatically improves the listening experience.
And getting older,
silence is, by the way, a whole new world of experience.