Hi all, hope you love your grenadier as much as I love mine 
Still, it is not quite perfect
- I know, who woulda thought it?
Anyway, here's my issue. As you can see from the attached photo the outside temperature recorded by the Grenadier is usually well below the inside temperature. In this case the outside temperature was 25°C but the car registered only 19°C. The upshot of this is that when I run the Aircon on Auto (even set to 19°C, whihc is the lowest you can go before 'full blast') the car thinks the car interior is at the same or a lower temperature than the outside temperature, and so it doesn't run the Aircon!
My second problem is that when you run the Aircon on full, which I sometimes have to do manually just to cool the car down because the auto is not working properly, the fan makes an awful whining racket. There's a lot of wind blowing noise as you would expect but the fan whines away, and it appears to be coming from somewhere in the passenger foot well. This is an intermittent problem and sometimes the outside temperature is correct and sometimes it's not.
So my questions to you are these:

Still, it is not quite perfect

Anyway, here's my issue. As you can see from the attached photo the outside temperature recorded by the Grenadier is usually well below the inside temperature. In this case the outside temperature was 25°C but the car registered only 19°C. The upshot of this is that when I run the Aircon on Auto (even set to 19°C, whihc is the lowest you can go before 'full blast') the car thinks the car interior is at the same or a lower temperature than the outside temperature, and so it doesn't run the Aircon!
My second problem is that when you run the Aircon on full, which I sometimes have to do manually just to cool the car down because the auto is not working properly, the fan makes an awful whining racket. There's a lot of wind blowing noise as you would expect but the fan whines away, and it appears to be coming from somewhere in the passenger foot well. This is an intermittent problem and sometimes the outside temperature is correct and sometimes it's not.
So my questions to you are these:
- Has anyone had a problem with the temperature gauge not working correctly.
- If so, how did you resolve it?
- Has anyone had a problem with the noisy fan on high?
- If so, how did you resolve it?