Deleted member 9047666 (user closed account)
All - For those who don't know me, I started this thread and came up with the Favorites hack. Someone else would have eventually done it but I did it first and shared it with everyone because of how annoying the feature was to me. This little hack is important because, without it, it would be 10 steps vs 3 to disable the overspeed limit warning. This is something that dealers preconfigure now because of how annoying the implementation of this feature is to 'most' owners, and their passengers.
36,000 views later and here we are 6 months later. Same conversation with more and more annoyed owners.
In terms of my post/comment about a 'direct line to the CEO,' I added the language below to my original post that kicked off the 4 pages of _ _ _ _ that happened over the last 3-4 days.
'Edit for clarity on 4/28/24. I was not advocating that we all call the CEO, just that it would be nice to give our feedback directly and not through a customer service line. Nothing more, nothing less.'
This is the only comment I'm going to make on this.
Finally and importantly, I would add, that if you click on a member profile, mine for example, you can hit ignore and not see any of my posts going forward. This Forum feature is how ADAS should work.
36,000 views later and here we are 6 months later. Same conversation with more and more annoyed owners.
In terms of my post/comment about a 'direct line to the CEO,' I added the language below to my original post that kicked off the 4 pages of _ _ _ _ that happened over the last 3-4 days.
'Edit for clarity on 4/28/24. I was not advocating that we all call the CEO, just that it would be nice to give our feedback directly and not through a customer service line. Nothing more, nothing less.'
This is the only comment I'm going to make on this.
Finally and importantly, I would add, that if you click on a member profile, mine for example, you can hit ignore and not see any of my posts going forward. This Forum feature is how ADAS should work.