These are great pictures and offer good detail and insight into the installation of a second IBS but I do question why ?
This all started when members noticed that the Aux battery wasn't charging and peaked when
@das mo got 'stuck' in the middle of the woods with flat batteries.
INEOS have indstalled a BMW model IBS system on the main/starter battery.
This device is very similar to the Victron intelligent shunt that
@DCPU is describing the installation of in this thread, but without Bluetooth.
The Smartpass controller that INOS have installed also seems to be installed at odds with logic in that the cars smart alternator isn't connected to it.
The BMW IBS provides battery status and data which is displayed on the main info screen, and likely to the ECU, to control the alternator.
There is an amount of confusion and lack of clarity which is not helped by the INEOS customer service dept who don't appear to have much of an idea either.
@DCPU you are obviously quite priveleged.
Other members have fitted battery monitors to both the main and aux batteries and are reporting the charge voltage and status of both batteries (as well as monitoring the alternators output across both batteries) which is recorderd in real time as well as offering graphical, historical data.
They have spent circa £40 and are providing a full gambit of data which will clearly identify the issue.
You have spent circa £120 on a device that offers ... what exactly ?
Will it provide more (helpful) information than the 2 monitors the likes af
@Jean Mercier (and others) have ?
No is the plain answer.
It just costs 6 times the amount and is providing less than 1/2 the information.
And it's more complex to install.
If you don't have any off-line charging capability (solar etc) or critical power draining devices that require constant monitoring, why would you spend that much money - other than just because you can ?
The pictures are very pretty though.