woke ...
As @ADVAW8S has already written, this word comes from the black ethnic group.
Here's a true story from Germany:
Hanover. This caused a stir: the activists from Fridays for Future banned the appearance of the white artist Ronja Maltzahn with dreadlocks at their demo in Hanover. The band was therefore disinvited. Dreadlocks on white people are a sign of the oppression of black people, it was said. The band made a Fridays for Future message public on social media. “Dreadlocks on white people are a form of cultural appropriation,” it said, “since white people used it as a sign of oppression during the times of slavery.” The “Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung” initially reported.
Unbelievable. Stupid. And interesting. "Dreadlocks are a form of cultural appropriation." My understanding is they mean that white people have no right to wear Dreadlocks, since this is kind of stealing an ethnic attribute from the black people.

But what about 'woke'?
It is precisely these moralists who misuse this word for their self-portrayal - even though it comes from a different ethnic group and originally has a completely different meaning and context. They do nothing less than put themselves in the position of those really having been persecuted and threatened. What a vain mockery for the historically badly treated black people from whom this word comes.
They are those who live in prosperity and rise to nothing less than being the saviors of our planet. They have nothing to do with "woke", definitely not. They are, at best, disrespectful, self-absorbed lemmings.
This alone shows how stupid, lying and self-aggrandizing these "we-save-manhood" idiots are.