I wouldn' consider the Unimog as the right vehicle for journeys and long time travelling.
It is very, very loud, it has too less negative suspension travel for driving tracks at an acceptable speed. You can change that and you need to change the differential gear ratio, as well, to reach an acceptable onroad speed. All at high costs.
Taking into account that really tough offroad driving is done by only a few people who also travel with their vehicles (while travelling), there are far more better suited trucks for that purpose. And believe me, also an Unimog can easily get stuck. There were people who crossed deserts in a BMW E24 635 and Unimog drivers who got stuck. It is more an issue of the driver, not the vehicle. And if you get stuck with a heavy vehicle you need another heavy vehicle to get it out again. It's all about weight and the possibilities to support that weight on the ground.

My impression is that we guys are fascinated by that vehicle, want to own and drive it, but to not take into account, that it was developed as a working horse which can cross tough terrain, but not as a offroad-camper. We're still kids, just our toys get larger....
Last weekend at the very rainy Abenteuer&Allrad fair in Bad Kissingen, Germany, two Unimogs tried to recover a truck from the camp ground meadow. Only the one with the tractor tires managed it. Even an 8x8 MAN KAT was stuck. No, not stuck, wrong term, it was immobilized. All 8 wheels were spinning but the truck didn't move. The tires made the difference, but who wants to travel with tractor tires? And it seems that the stuck people also rejected to deflate their tires.
I consider our Iveco 90-16 as one example for a very good vehicle to travel with, if you're looking for such size of a vehicle. It has a limited height as an emergency vehicle which must be able to drive under low bridges, as well. It has 4x4 and a center and rear diff lock. It has a straight 6 liter 6 cylinder turbo diesel engine, air cooled, running very smoth, quite and with a high comfort. and even the cabin is suited for long drives. A friend of mine bought one and we had a long chat about these kind of vehicles and his arguments got me, so we got one, as well.