Ky-ab-bra waterhole - Outback Queensland
Heading north out of
Eromanga along the Kyabra Road, traveling through Kyabra Station (Ranch) you come across Kyabra Waterhole. It is a permanent waterhole fed by surrounding floodways. The Station owners kindly make it available, free of charge, as an overnight stop for travelers.
This is a small oasis in a very arid region. The clay is so fine it remains suspended in the water, giving that nice poo brown colour. When it rains, which it did a few days later, the side of the road turns to mud very quickly.
Tree grown mostly along waterways, so all these trees give a very misleading impression of the surrounding landscape where few trees grow but it is dominated by bushes, succulents and shrubs with scattered grasses.
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Heading north out of Eromanga along the Kyabra Road, traveling through Kyabra Station, you come across Kyabra Waterhole (pronounced Ky-ab-ra). It is a permanent waterhole fed by surrounding floodwa…
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