Well that scuppers Mr
@CountyV8 then as he said in March ..."as I sometimes tow plant equipment with a ring hitch." ... sounds a bit 'commercial that' possibly not M1 compliant is it ... using the 'car' for commercial purposes possibly falls into
@Eric 's fine statement "In the event of an accident brought about by an unauthorised/modified device (tow ball) the insurer would be able to walk away from any claim in respect of your costs brought about by failure of that device or consequence of the use of that device." - that would appear to be the whole car in this instance as doing anything 'commercial' (towing/carrying anything other than a bed and the kitchen sink) would be totaly ilegal in your eyes as you are using an M1 classed vehicle as a class N1 vehicle ?
Which nullifies your insurane (buy buy insurance wasn't it ?
@Eric ) so driving without insurance ... tut tut.
The other thing is that if you have an N1 vehicle then as it's MAM is over 3000kgs you will need a Class 5 MOT whereas the M1 only needs a Class 4 (as it's not for commecial use), so if you have the wrong MOT then you are also beaking more laws ...
What a can of worms you have opened
@Eric and
@CountyV8 - a real Pandoras Box