I had a new update on Saturday 9/7/2024. Later in the night one of the TMPS sensors lost connection, 5 min later the other 3 lost connection. Hasn’t reset since. Anyone experiencing an issue like this?
Was this the long-awaited software revision (if so, do you have its number)?I had a new update on Saturday 9/7/2024.
I just had this happen today -- all four connections lost while driving. I didn't see your thread until after I'd posted into the electrical gremlins thread here.I had a new update on Saturday 9/7/2024. Later in the night one of the TMPS sensors lost connection, 5 min later the other 3 lost connection. Hasn’t reset since. Anyone experiencing an issue like this?
Don't worry too much. I had the same thing once. About a year ago. It disappeared again after a few hours and has never come back since.Yes.
Did it one morning, one dropped out then the others cascaded. The during that day the car was driven and then parked for a few hours, a number of times.
The next day jumped in the car warning still came up. Drove up the road maybe half a kilometer, TPMS came back on line and has been rock solid ever since.