Yes 686 InternationalA S&W.. 686 I assume 6" ? Nice. hope you like it.. the grip handle is tres chic
Yesterday I was the first time since about March 22 on the Trap range .. shooting Shotgun "olympic style" Means you call the clay disk by voice and the shotgun already in the shoulder .. speed varying between 60 & 90 metres per sec and random direction. - Got 18 out of 25 twice. For not doing any training on this and using a hunting O/U shotgun with shorter barrels and not a sports one with special tuning .. it was a quite satisfying experience.
Not sold in the US I believe, export only.
6" and I like the unfluted cylinder, matt finish and black trigger and hammer
I added the extended cylinder release and LPA fibre sights.
I have had some tuning done to the action and it is so smooth.
I loaded with a mixture as it was a training/fun session with 38, 357 and empty cylinders as a mix some times.
Just to check flinching and trigger control
Double taps were fun and produced 1" groups
Going to add a red dot as the rear sight is designed to take it in addition to the fibre
Green rear and red front makes it so easy to get a quick sight picture on an open air range