There is a lot of garbage unfair reviews out there from people that don’t own a Grenadier, only drove them for a day, and that try to find issues to make their reviews more interesting.
Ok, here is an honest review you can rely on, also to the FN point!
The Ineos Grenadier Fieldmaster with all the options is a super cool vehicle! Riding in it makes you feel like a damn road God! Towering above all other vehicles with a commanding view of the road.
The steering is great! Off road is an amazing steering feel and the on road handling takes one day to master and learn to love! The ADAS system tells you exactly the speed limits, because who the hell knows half the damn time?! Don’t like it, turn it off! Don’t like it and don’t like to make a few clicks, no worries crank up the Motley Crue or Kid Rock and you won’t hear a damn thing! The premium sound is good and the set up and space for upgrading is immense.
The Grenadier looks frickin awesome with great paint and you can literally feel the build quality. This thing is made with hard core materials that will last a long time. Go touch a bumper on a Jeep. Guess what? It’s plastic! Grenadier…steel!
The seats are comfy and the ride smooth and enjoyable. The doors slam and close like a bank vault!
No matter what happens, you will be happy as hell driving down the road and look for reasons to take it out of the garage.
The switches, buttons and layout inside is weird. But weird in a cool ass way that says…hey, I hate boring cars so I chose one with some style! Looks like a fighter cockpit inside and for a damn good reason…it is freaking awesome that way! No other reason is necessary. No other car manufacturers are doing anything remotely interesting, except for the same lame aerodynamic egg shaped garbage so one car looks like all the others. This baby has style and a design that makes sense. What kind of sense? A sense of damn style!! Cool ass style.
My verdict? Fun, stylish and addictive. If you want boring, unpredictable and want to be a sheep and follow the herd, buy something else, this isn’t for you.
Ok, here is an honest review you can rely on, also to the FN point!
The Ineos Grenadier Fieldmaster with all the options is a super cool vehicle! Riding in it makes you feel like a damn road God! Towering above all other vehicles with a commanding view of the road.
The steering is great! Off road is an amazing steering feel and the on road handling takes one day to master and learn to love! The ADAS system tells you exactly the speed limits, because who the hell knows half the damn time?! Don’t like it, turn it off! Don’t like it and don’t like to make a few clicks, no worries crank up the Motley Crue or Kid Rock and you won’t hear a damn thing! The premium sound is good and the set up and space for upgrading is immense.
The Grenadier looks frickin awesome with great paint and you can literally feel the build quality. This thing is made with hard core materials that will last a long time. Go touch a bumper on a Jeep. Guess what? It’s plastic! Grenadier…steel!
The seats are comfy and the ride smooth and enjoyable. The doors slam and close like a bank vault!
No matter what happens, you will be happy as hell driving down the road and look for reasons to take it out of the garage.
The switches, buttons and layout inside is weird. But weird in a cool ass way that says…hey, I hate boring cars so I chose one with some style! Looks like a fighter cockpit inside and for a damn good reason…it is freaking awesome that way! No other reason is necessary. No other car manufacturers are doing anything remotely interesting, except for the same lame aerodynamic egg shaped garbage so one car looks like all the others. This baby has style and a design that makes sense. What kind of sense? A sense of damn style!! Cool ass style.
My verdict? Fun, stylish and addictive. If you want boring, unpredictable and want to be a sheep and follow the herd, buy something else, this isn’t for you.
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