Huh - OK. Just picked up my Grenadier at the dealer in Chicago from its 12k/1 year service. They got their shop demo QM last week, and let me drive it this afternoon- they said I was the first customer to drive it. Really nice spec - MM Trialmaster w red chassis, safari windows and winch. Here’s what surprised me - the steering was different. Still the same basic lock-to-lock turning ratio, bigger turning radius, stiffer suspension, slightly less return to center - but less play in the wheel and much more direct response. You know that dumb thing reviewers do on YouTube with the Grenadier where they theatrically yank the wheel around to show how loose it is? In this QM, on a straightaway, if you moved the wheel even slightly, it would respond. The dealer sales rep came for the ride and he noticed it too. We all sat down and discussed it when we got back. I don’t understand. Did they do something to the steering damper? Change the caster settings? Tire pressure? I don’t think it can be just the longer wheelbase. That wouldn’t make any sense. And it’s not break-in - it only had 100 miles on it, total. Anyhow, felt great, much better visibility out the back, very tight squeeze in the back seat, but it’s awesome. Grenadier is a better fit for me and doesn’t carry the US chicken tax penalty- but it was a lot of fun, and I really appreciate Knauz letting me try it out for fun.