It's more important that YOU will still be going well at that age! Everyone is different regarding this concept. As a retired engineer/machinist manufacturing maven, I love projects.I'm guessing that it will no longer be fun once I'm late 70's... I could be wrong.
I am pretty damn sure that I won't want to get a new truck organized and set up once I'm past late 60s... so if the Grenadier is still going I will.
I'll never stop. I have my own machine shop. I've had my Grenny for a month and will be tweaking it to my liking over the next year, in which I'll turn 73 in two months. Two years ago I was building out the ultimate (for me) 4x4 Sprinter van. I did a ton of the work myself but had the interior built out by a great van outfitter. My second one. Done the same with Land Rovers and other similar vehicles. I could do a complete vehicle every year! With the Van and the Grenny here now, I'm done for a while. Time to get out and use them. I hope to meet you on Sunday.