Given the painstaking attention to detailed engineering in virtually all of the Grenadier systems to date, it stands to reason that the practical application of the principles of M. Bernoulli were very much to the fore when the Ineos engineers specified the size, shape and direction of the raised air intake tube. Time and again I've seen all sorts of DIY fabrications and modifications to professionally developed raised intakes... most of which done with lots of hope, scant knowledge and no calibration. I classify them in the same category as perpetual motion machines, "seat of the pants" dynamometers and "Energy Polarisers" . ;-) While questions as to the said design are no doubt reasonable for the inquiring mind... speculation without data is just that! what are the measurements...where is the data?This does not look like one could turn it forward at all.
As a wise man once said..."A little learning can be a dangerous ...."