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New Owner in Dallas, Texas

Local time
4:20 PM
Jul 1, 2024
Reaction score
Dallas, TX, USA
Hi wverybody,
I’m a new owner of an IG from Dallas, Texas. My girl is Brittania Blue with a white top. I’m loving my experience so far. I was an offroader/mudbogger on fourwheelers and in trucks when I grew up. I was looking for a refurbished Defender or other old school truck when I came across the IG. I’m so excited I did. There have ben a few hiccups (parking garages that are too low, the overspeed warning, and the A/C acted wonky the first few days I had it.) Other than that, it’s been wonderful. I am hoping to get some information on local places I can check her out and test her capabilities. Anyway, so glad I found this forum. Thanks a million, friends!
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