With apologies if this is duplication or in the wrong area…
My recent collection of software errors. Vehicle is a May 2024 petrol Trialmaster with software upgrade in July’23.
Since then:-
• regular massive variations in “remaining miles” of fuel depending on parking UP or DOWN my 1 in 8 (12%) drive. Never recovers from its lies until refuelled.
• persistent startup false panic about braking problems; this relates to a genuine hardware fault of ABSsensor wires to right rear wheel shorting to body with insulation cut by sharp bodywork - BUT the problem is history. At random when I turn on the ignition all the ABS, hill assist and braking warnings appear (my view is the startup CPU scans for the latest status and grabs ANYTHING from history but not the latest!!). If I turn off the ignition, lock and unlock the car (sometimes three times) the errors go away.
• A red error box instead of mph indication. Did not persist but was followed by false parking sensor error warnings and the old braking problem lies.
• all my tires at 45°C on the motorway in snow - normal an hour later
• today the worst of all - in the middle of nowhere in the snow, after a three hour walk, on returning to the car NO GEAR SELECTION. Whatever I did it stayed in Park. Ignition off, lock and unlock three times, ignition on and gear selection is normal BUT…
• heated rear screen not turning on (at least the button LED wasn’t…)
Off to the Alps in two weeks
so dealer check on Monday (Skipton are SO good!) and reassured that Grenadier support IS two years AND operates in France. 

My recent collection of software errors. Vehicle is a May 2024 petrol Trialmaster with software upgrade in July’23.
Since then:-
• regular massive variations in “remaining miles” of fuel depending on parking UP or DOWN my 1 in 8 (12%) drive. Never recovers from its lies until refuelled.
• persistent startup false panic about braking problems; this relates to a genuine hardware fault of ABSsensor wires to right rear wheel shorting to body with insulation cut by sharp bodywork - BUT the problem is history. At random when I turn on the ignition all the ABS, hill assist and braking warnings appear (my view is the startup CPU scans for the latest status and grabs ANYTHING from history but not the latest!!). If I turn off the ignition, lock and unlock the car (sometimes three times) the errors go away.
• A red error box instead of mph indication. Did not persist but was followed by false parking sensor error warnings and the old braking problem lies.
• all my tires at 45°C on the motorway in snow - normal an hour later
• today the worst of all - in the middle of nowhere in the snow, after a three hour walk, on returning to the car NO GEAR SELECTION. Whatever I did it stayed in Park. Ignition off, lock and unlock three times, ignition on and gear selection is normal BUT…
• heated rear screen not turning on (at least the button LED wasn’t…)
Off to the Alps in two weeks