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Medical Kits


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Local time
9:01 AM
Mar 12, 2023
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Isn’t Baltimore close to central Maryland?
HBO series The Wire had me believing lots of drug use there, wouldn’t be surprised to see other nasties as well.
“San Francisco CPR” all the way!
I rode as an EMT student for 4 months on one of the busiest medic units in the city and our jurisdiction borders the South end of the city, so I've spent plenty of time running mutual aid there (and plenty spills out). The Wire isn't inaccurate... we love our overdoses, both uppers and downers, and have plenty of violence of all kinds. Luckily our medical director (along with most of them in the area) is willing to integrate new protocols (at least at the ALS level, BLS care is still very limited)


Global Grenadiers #1372
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Local time
7:01 AM
Dec 30, 2022
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Tucson, AZ, USA
I’m curious why @jacko found the origional post dissatisfactory with a thumbs down, and this one to be laughable without any explanation.
Please enlighten me.
Guns aren't violent, people are. If you're ever in the Tucson area and want to go shooting, I'll gladly familiarize you and demystify firearms. They're a tool, not a boogie man.

If you remove the largest 5 big cities, where guns are the greatest controlled, the US drops to like #115 or something on the violent crime / gun used data worldwide. The problem isn't the guns, it's the people in areas controlled by _____. (It isn't the Republicans.) Not 100% sure on the number, and I'm not feeling like looking up the exact stat, but it's a significant difference.

-Retired Federal LEO, 25 years in the game.
-3rd generation Federal Firearms License holder (legal gun dealer)
-Former NRA certified firearms safety instructor
-Former US Navy Corpsman, 6 years
-Former Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician-IV, 8 years

Back on topic, I always carry 2 tourniquets and an IFAK on my Every Day Carry (EDC) sling pack. I have a small medical kit that'll be in the Grenadier. It's like an IFAK for 3+ people and then some with basic IV sets (LR and 16 / 18 ga).
Local time
9:01 AM
Aug 23, 2022
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Knoxville Tn
I've been tempted to start a business with telehealth access to meds you might need for adventure travel. It's a fairly niche market though and lots of regulatory hurdles, especially once you get past nausea meds and antibiotics.
That would be a nice, I am lucky enough to have a few docs that loaded me up with about everything I needed, but that would be a nice needed market.
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