Over many years of riding, mustering whilst sitting in a saddle and wearing RM Williams boots here in Australia, you are taught how to look after your equipment. Saddles and some boots share the same animal leather needing the same upkeep, they dry out in our sun, dust and rain and need to be conditioned using specific leather oils. Not suggesting the Grenadier steering wheel will suffer such elements but they will suffer the same sun, sweat and dirt from hands and will deserve a good wipe down and recondition. I will be inquiring about what the leather is impregnated with before I start refurbishment. My equipment including yard and bullwhips are dressed with a UK product Hydrophane Leather Dressing and waterproofing, the equipment can be wipe down with cold water to remove mud and sweat, wipe off excess moisture with a clean before redressing. Hoping I will be able to use the same and create my Patina. I have some work boots in their thirties and a pair of RM's dress boots now twenty two looking new and never polished just conditioned with saddle dressing.