I know more about the Gr8Tops Safari Cab hardtop than probably anyone because I designed it. The photos below show my LJ next to the new Grenadier, and it's got a homemade Safari Cab hardtop (these two photos repeated from my earlier post). After I designed and made the one for my LJ, Gr8Tops licensed the design from me and they've been manufacturing and selling them for years. But mine isn't a Gr8Tops, it's homemadeLong time TJ owner/driver prior to the Grenadier; If your interested in this style on some of the older Jeeps GR8TOPS still builds them I believe and they do relocate the lifting rear glass onto the door to create the barn style door affect. https://gr8tops.com/shop/jeepmodels/wrangler-tj-2/tj-safari-cab-full-length-hardtop#
@jscherb Super cool work on those roofs you built out! Glad they got your grenadier sorted quickly.

My Safari Cab has many features Gr8Tops decided not to put in production, for example the hard sides can be swapped for roll-up soft sides... here it is in late summer crossing Mosquito Pass en route to Leadville, Colorado. In this photo it's still got the factory front clip on it, notice above it's got a custom CJ front clip, another homemade enhancement to the LJ...
What mine looked like after all the parts came out of the mold...
The Grenadier isn't my first vehicle with a rear barn door, it was part of the original Safari Cab design back in 2010, I've been spoiled by having a barn door for almost 15 years now (another repeated photo from the earlier post)...
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