First, thanks to Ben and RatWorks, Glenn and his team at Clearwater Lights for designing, collaborating and delivering IMHO, the best light kit available for Grenadiers.
I'll let @BenTN fill in the behind the scenes details, but suffice to say, we have custom, built to spec off- road lights made just for us, by a major manufacturer!
I got the first commercial set yesterday and installed them this morning. The instructions were clear, logical, step by step and easy to follow. They really did a good job on the instructions.
I took my time, and the total job took me just under 4 hours. I wasted a bit of time not having all my tools in one place and made a few trips to my workbench (in the house, rather than the garage - [gun tinkering and reloading]) so you might be able to do it in half that time. My wrenching and such knowledge and experience is pretty abysmal for a Gen X'er.
Anyway. I'm happy with the result. The Lights work off high beam for full power and otherwise run at a DRL level of maybe 5%. Bright enough to be noticed in daylight. I'll take some pics tonight and add them in another post to this thread.
The photos don't do it justice. They are bright! I tried to take photos of the low power / DRL mode, but the camera caught the LEDs during a refresh and they look like they're half on, half off.
The one photo of the back of the headlight shows their patch cable with the high beam trigger wire (white).
The Lights as they come are configured to be powered by the external 1 switch, just as a trigger, because the main power is running off the positive terminal under the hood / bonnet.
I'll let @BenTN fill in the behind the scenes details, but suffice to say, we have custom, built to spec off- road lights made just for us, by a major manufacturer!
I got the first commercial set yesterday and installed them this morning. The instructions were clear, logical, step by step and easy to follow. They really did a good job on the instructions.
I took my time, and the total job took me just under 4 hours. I wasted a bit of time not having all my tools in one place and made a few trips to my workbench (in the house, rather than the garage - [gun tinkering and reloading]) so you might be able to do it in half that time. My wrenching and such knowledge and experience is pretty abysmal for a Gen X'er.
Anyway. I'm happy with the result. The Lights work off high beam for full power and otherwise run at a DRL level of maybe 5%. Bright enough to be noticed in daylight. I'll take some pics tonight and add them in another post to this thread.
The photos don't do it justice. They are bright! I tried to take photos of the low power / DRL mode, but the camera caught the LEDs during a refresh and they look like they're half on, half off.
The one photo of the back of the headlight shows their patch cable with the high beam trigger wire (white).
The Lights as they come are configured to be powered by the external 1 switch, just as a trigger, because the main power is running off the positive terminal under the hood / bonnet.
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