That went last year.Got one from Ineos today saying shutting Jardone Kent one down, thought they had months ago...
I believe Busseys have sold the most IG in the UK. They have switched to the dealer model and appear to be getting some work from Ineos on custom builds (they are kitting out some Grenadier ambulances). You see a lot of Grenadiers in Norfolk and North Suffolk. And hello to the green one I have seen several times in the last few weeks on the A146 near Norwich (sorry I missed the wave last time) and the Britannia Blue around Bramfield.They say my nearest retailer of Grenadoers is Busseys of Attleborough which is almost 4 hours away!!!
Unlike Jardine, who had one IG in their Colchester branch before that closed, Busseys had about 20 on site. When buying it you could see all the colour ranges and options out there. The guy at Jardine's didn't give two hoots about me when I tried speaking to him. I pretty much ended my intention to buy an IG at that point, but just by fluke, we happened to be driving past Attleborough on the A11, and my wife said, let's go down the old road through Attleborough, and we did and saw Busseys and made the quick decision to pop in. They were so much better than Jardine.
However, at 4 hours away, I suspect you wont get to experience them.