The Grenadier Waterfall:
I trust the team at my dealership in Sydney, Purnell. They have been great in answering my dumb questions, and I am but one of the 100s vehicles they deliver. Yes, I also know the rain issue. We have those waterfalls daily when it rains - but I believe the techs, service people, and INEOS will be on the case.
I have faith, as 99% of my Grenadier is OK. The software and stuff... Yeah!!! It will be fixed eventually, and I still have half a brain, so I know where I am going anyway.
My biggest issue was the tyre choice and what car builders know about real-world conditions. At the moment, I am out in the wilds of South Australia. We have had several days of 40-degree-plus temperatures, and the asphalt - yes, the asphalt, NOT gravel was impossible to walk on. The Bridgestone Duellers, which we thought would be OK as 90+% of my time is on the highway - well, one tyre failed... hero to zero in seconds ... on the back left... Do I scream at INEOS... Nope... It was as hot as hell. Tyres fail... We all know that.
Those of us with delivered Grenadiers are all pretty early adopters - we had faith then, and I say 'retain that faith...'
We have what seem to be brilliant vehicles. My co-driver also loves it, and she is hard to impress. My son, aged 39, has already said he wants it.
I suggest we keep things reasonably close to the original specs, allowing INEOS and Dealerships/Service people to learn for the betterment of us all... Sure, we will need to fix basic stuff... In my case, I will biff the Duellers - we all had options of other tyres.
We started this for adventures. Think of future buyers learning from the wonderful things we are getting up to in our Grenadiers...