That is the perfect scenario for a winch blanket as plasma rope has virtually no weight and very little stretch, but if a factor 55 or a UltraHook or a snatch block was involved in the breakage it would still be catastrophic, and the bit we didn't see in the filming was how hard the snatch block etc flew in the other direction. If a snatch strap or kinetic rope breaks a winch blanket is something els to take your head off.
I have broken several snatch straps with no shackles involved I always use bridles to attach to 2 recovery points on each vehicle, this saves diamond damage to the vehicles, ( one chassis rail being lengthened with all the recovery force on 1 chassis rail ) and less chance of anything breaking, I cringe when I see YouTube influencers using only 1 of their 2 front recovery points for a major recovery.
When I have broken those snatch straps with and without blankets, the size of the dents I put in my land rovers, patrols and land cruisers seem to be the same, and that is only the weight of the strap.
These recoveries have usually been on beaches with incoming tides.
I saw a very informative USA test of breaking snatch straps using a D9 or equivalent a few years ago with and without blankets, if I can find it I will post it.