As my dealer Hedin Belgium, as usual doesn't seem to listen to my questions, neither reads my e-mails, I did contact Customer Support.
My question: (only the two most relevant phrases)
- What is the password for connecting to it, or how can I get it?
- Thanks for your answer, and please, don’t tell me to ask my dealer: I asked, and he doesn’t know.
I was "friendly" concerning Hedin, I said "he doesn't know", instead of "he doesn't answer".
Response of Ineos Customer Service (only the most relevant phrase):
- The best course of action in receiving technical support for your vehicle is to contact your local dealer, and they will be able to answer to your question.

My kids pretend I have a "French" accent when speaking English, but I didn't know it was so bad!
My response to Ineos:
- It looks like you didn’t read my mail. I explicitly asked NOT to tell me to contact my dealer. They almost never give me an answer.
40 minutes later phone call from a French speaking friendly African guy calling from London (I am located in the Dutch speaking part, but Ineos never took care to be aware that 60% of the Belgian population speaks Dutch: their website for Belgium is in French and ... German!).
The most relevant part of the conversation (I leave behind my 10 minutes complaining):
- He: May I suggest that you contact another dealer in Belgium, I will give you his number, you speak French, therefore no problem.
- Me: No, I think it is Customer Service who has to contact the right person and provide me the right information.
But he gave me anyway the name and number of the Commercial guy of ... Reul Sport (I already mentioned that new Belgian dealer somewhere else on the forum).
He promised me that he would chase the answer.