There was great offroad adventure hosted by @IG_in_AZ in Tucson on 1/18. Big shout-out to IG_in_AZ for hosting a couple of us! I wanted to share out some photo's to the forum.
What Trail: Reddington Pass / Alamo Spring Trail Run
Attendees: @IG_in_AZ (host) @kxazmsettles1208 , @Tenac
This being my first real off roading I think both IG and kxaz for helping me out and being patient!

What Trail: Reddington Pass / Alamo Spring Trail Run
Attendees: @IG_in_AZ (host) @kxazmsettles1208 , @Tenac
This being my first real off roading I think both IG and kxaz for helping me out and being patient!