Hi all, interesting read in the Swiss newspaper NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
Sorry it‘s in German only.
Contains some nice background on the water crossing in Scotland.
And positive feedback about steering and on road handling.

Ineos Grenadier: Prüfung über Stock und Stein bestanden
Eine Schweizer Chemiefirma mit einem britischen Chef baut einen neuen Geländewagen. Weil es den klassischen Land Rover nicht mehr gibt. Zwei Tage Fahrt in Grossbritannien sollen zeigen, was er kann.

Learned from @Tazzieman how to look behind paywall

Build month and delays.....
I also asked about EU homologation because I was worried that there could have been an issue / that this could be the reason why there are no test drives on public roads for us. They had an Ineos rep at their dealership the day before who confirmed that the homologation was done. hope this is...

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