The Grenadier Forum
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  1. David Czarnecki

    DESIGN-BUILD-GO - Rigs and Coffee at Triad Ineos today. Good turnout

    Rigs and Coffee was a pretty good turnout thanks to the work put in by Jason Hausler from Triad Ineos Grenadier. For a cold rainy day it was a good turnout and a lot of fun. Furthest participant was from Maryland and Signature Autosports came out as well as Overland Experts and Moly Lube, LFE...
  2. David Czarnecki

    INEOS Corporate/Dealer Event Rigs and coffee 18JAN2025 at Triad in High Point, NC

    Come out and join us at Triad Ineos in High Point, NC for some fun with fellow Grenadier Owners. We will have some raffles and other activities. See what options and upgrades other owners have done and so forth. We will have our Design-Build-Go Grenadier availible for test drives with the...
  3. anand

    Americas Triad Ineos Discussion Thread

    As soon-to-be owners start making their way to the dealers for test drives and the delivery dates start approaching, each dealer needs a separate thread to keep key information easily visible. I don't believe Triad has any "official" representation on the forum, so the answers below are based...
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