The Grenadier Forum
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  1. grnamin

    Overhead switch panel: moving switches

    Had anyone tried moving the overhead switches around? Ext3 - left rear aux power outlet on the roof - rear-facing scene/reverse and left scene lights. Ext2 - right scene light. Ext1 - 10A in engine bay - KC Hilites Flex Era 4 backlights Ext5 - 25A in engine bay - KCHFE4 main lights. I want Ext2...
  2. Tony H

    Switches Supplier

    Hi All. Has anyone found a supplier for additional switches & buttons? Yes, the Grenadier already have loads, but looking to add a few more. I could really do with having 3 way switches for changing various amber warning patterns on the roof top thru the aux switches plus change the intensity of...
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