The Grenadier Forum
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  1. Stu_Barnes

    Grenadier Servicing Price UK

    May as well kick this this off with a home as well as we have a few others.
  2. Stu_Barnes

    Grenadier Servicing Price USA

    Just had my Grenadier in for some warranty work at Rusnak in Pasadena. While its in I thought I'd have an oil change done as we've just ticked over 7k miles. Oil and filter change labor $175 1 off GRA-1000-012600 Oil Filter $27.42 8 off Castrol Edge 0W20 LL 17 FE+ $107.44 $ 309.86 sub total...
  3. M

    Grenadier Servicing Price Australia

    Hi, Had a search but couldn't find any other relevant posts/threads but if there are please point me towards them! Just got a quote for my 1Y/15,000KM service, $1300+ (couldn't provided a fixed amount)! For reference a 70 series Landcruiser (similar design/use) is $425 while a 300 series...
  4. G

    Parts and servicing costs

    Hi all I am new to the forum, My grenadier is about to arrive but have had a few nervous moments of late. Drove a demo which had a number of gremlins which I gather have been sorted on the newer models. More concerning was the cost of adding accessories and the parts costs. I didn't order a...
  5. beanohallett

    UK & Ireland Servicing Pricing UK

    Good Morning Folks, Has anyone been able to nail down the servicing pricing schedule from their dealers in the UK yet ? Looking to start saving up for it !! Happy trucking Garry
  6. Stu_Barnes

    Q&A Americas Will the Bosch network partnership happen in NA?

    Will the Bosch network partnership happen in NA?
  7. Stu_Barnes

    Q&A Americas If my dealer is far away, who can service my vehicle so that my warranty remains intact?

    If my dealer is far away, who can service my vehicle so that my warranty remains intact?
  8. YellowLab

    Americas Dealerships

    Very much looking forward to placing my order in June for the US - but do have some fears. If vehicles ordered in June will arrive in late 4Q '23 - concerned with the dealer network and servicing. Living in SoCal - it's not so much the distance as much as the sheer hell driving to a dealer...
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