The Grenadier Forum
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  1. Phred

    Hello from Pennsylvania…

    I joined a few weeks back but picked up my Fieldmaster today. Looking forward to reading, learning, and enjoying my Grenny!
  2. slomo

    In Pennsylvania

    Just got it last week. Looking forward to using it and joining the group.
  3. D

    Americas Pennsylvania dealer contact anyone?

    While lots of the regional dealers are enthusiastically introducing themselves on various forums and contacting reservation holders, the PA group seems to be crickets; not a word. Anybody heard anything from them? Wondering what's up or if I should find another dealer to go with.
  4. Gibby

    Greetings from Pennsylvania

    This is my first opportunity to say hello to all. I placed my reservation on September, 2021, got my first prototype drive on 5/28/23 in Virginia, my pre-order was placed 5/31/23 #9481, contacted the local dealer 7/30/23 that is in Philadelphia, and have yet to receive my estimated build month...
  5. FlyersFan76

    Americas Pennsylvania Sighting (Prediction)

    There is a special car show outside Philadelphia for Carriages, Classic, Antiques, etc. They also show off upcoming new high-end cars or concepts. The Grenadier dealer is a sponsor so maybe, just maybe. The website doesn't always post everything that will be in the dealers new car tents but...
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