The Grenadier Forum
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  1. G

    North America : are dealers charging PDI in addition to the Delivery and Handling fee?

    My dealership in Toronto, Ontario, Canada has added $500 to the price of my Grenadier, stating it is for PDI which was not included in the Delivery and Handling fee of $2000. Has this been the experience of other purchasers?
  2. R


    Hello everyone I got a Quarter Master and i found a tool! Im wondering what is that tool for ?
  3. Jean Mercier

    Remote Key Code

    On the PDI (Pre Delivery Inspection) document of the Grenadier a "Remote Key Code should be delivered to the Customer. I didn't get it and mentioned it at once to the dealer, whom didn't know what it is. After several attempts to get it, even though I didn't know what it is, I did send a...
  4. emax

    Agentenseitige Auslieferungsmodalitäten

    Ich habe hier ein Angebot "Zulassungspaket" von meinem Agenten: Wenn ich Nummernschilder (max. 35€), Zulassungegebühren (28€), Feinstaubplakette (14,80€) und Wunschkennzeichen (12,80€) zusammen zähle, komme ich auf keine 100 Euro. Der Aufwand für die Zulassung selber kommt natürlich hinzu...
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