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build date

  1. parb

    Americas Got a dealer (and a estimated build date)!

    Just got a email from the GM of the dealer for me (SF Bay area). Seemed like a nice guy. Told me that my build is planned for january (which sounds about right). He told me they should get a demo vehicle in the next 2-3 weeks and he will ping me then. I haven't even seen the grenadier IRL so i...
  2. MileHigh

    Americas Feb 22 reservation and an April 2024 build date….

    I’m either Doc, Grumpy, Dopey, Bashful, Sleepy, or Sneezy because I’m not Happy. Got a call from my dealer, Red Noland in The Springs. Nice guy, went over the order and then dropped the bomb- “4 of 24 build date”- I’m like as in April of 24????? Yep. So much for a Q4 build and delivery this...
  3. G

    Americas Any Canadians receive a build date yet?

    It’s almost September and we have had no word from Ineos regarding our build date so we are two or three months behind. Why the delay?
  4. Drausch1976

    US Build date

    I just received the email in the US for my build date. Currently it says Q4 of 2023. So not to specific it it’s something. I would assume delivery is then by Feb ideally. Anyone else receive this today? My reservation was OCT 1 2021.
  5. jamesfielding

    Europe Order Number - UK

    Good evening All, Just curious for those who have had their builds finished and are expecting to pick up their Grenadier in February what is your Reservation/Order Number? I have a March Build month - Reservation Number 0005389440 Cotswolds - UK
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