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  1. K

    Awning Bracket for factory roof rack

    I have the factory Rhino roof rack platform and recently purchased the Bush Company XT Max awning. Unfortunately the brackets that come with it wont work, and my google skills to find an alternate from a third party have failed me. Most third party are the same dimensions as supplied with the...
  2. A

    270 degree Foxwing awning with NO roof rack????

    Here is my first go at a build post, feel free to read and follow my process, or just skip ahead to the pictures 😉 Since seeing the original designs I was very interested in the addition of the side tie down rails on the roof of the grenadier. This with the ability for the roof to take some...
  3. emax

    Awning: which side?

    Which side is best for an awing? "left" and "right" answers won't help, but "driver side" or "passenger side" are much appreciated. ;) Type of (planned) awning (batwing, straight) is of course important. The reasons for the preferred side are also interesting.
  4. Tom D

    Batwing Awning

    Any recommendations on a 270 degree awning? I like the look of the Bush Company one but its mighty expensive, double the price of some others. Has anyone used one? any other recommendations?
  5. kinoheinz

    Roof load

    Hallo, ich habe den Rhino Rack Dachträger und die 270 Grad Markise bestellt. Die Accessories Broschüre nennt als Eigengewicht 60 kg und 21,5 kg. Ich kam Ende 2022 aber noch auf die Idee, mir schon mal ein Bush Co. Alu-Dachzelt zu bestellen, das auch noch 100 kg wiegt. Effekt: ich liege...
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